Explore The Poetry of JP:

Home of my poetry blog and poetry podcast, where the ordinary words becomes extraordinary verse.

The logo for The Poetry of JP, for both podcast and poems

The Poetry

Written and Spoken Poetry

Poems, Poetic analysis and Podcast.

A paint brush and line to represent the poetic line and poetry within the blog.

The Author

Joel Van Dersarl

Author | Dev | Artist

About The Poetry of JP

Welcome to The Poetry of Jp, your destination for everything poetry. I’m JP, a passionate poet and storyteller dedicated to sharing the beauty, complexity, and power of poetry with the world.

My Poetry

On this blog, you’ll discover a curated collection of my original poems. Each piece is crafted to capture the human experience, exploring themes that resonate with readers from all walks of life. My poetry is a reflection of my journey. I invite you to connect with the emotions and ideas that inspire me.

Famous Poems and Analysis

Besides my own poetry, I delve into the world of famous poems, offering detailed analysis and insights. Whether you’re looking to understand the deeper meanings behind classic verses, this section is designed to enrich your understanding. If you want to explore the nuances of contemporary poetry, this section is designed to enrich your understanding. It will enhance your appreciation of the art form.

About The Poetry of JP Podcasts

The Poetry of JP features three different podcast series, each offering a unique perspective on poetry:

  • Analysis of a Poem: Where I read and go into what the deeper levels of what went into the poem.
  • Poets of the past: A podcast where I read and look into the poems from famous poets. These poets are known and unknown throughout the history of English poetics.
  • The Poetic Line: The Poetic Line, host J.P. invites listeners to embark on a profound exploration of contemporary poetry, focusing on the poetic line—the foundation of verse.

Learn and Grow with Poetry

Education is a cornerstone of The Poetry of JP. Whether you’re a budding poet or a seasoned writer, you’ll find resources here to help you hone your craft. From writing tips to poetic analysis, my learning section is designed to empower you with the tools and knowledge. You need these to succeed.

Join the Poetic Community

Thank you for visiting The Poetry of JP. Whether you’re here to read my latest poem, listen to a podcast, or learn more about the art of poetry. I’m thrilled to have you as part of this community. Explore, engage, and let the power of poetry enrich your life.

Feel free to connect with me through comments or social media. You can also subscribe to my newsletter to stay updated on new content. Let’s embark on this poetic journey together! Back to blog.

A drawing of a cup of coffee with poetry streaming out as a metaphor.

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